MAZE ('the owner') and the Software is a copyrighted work of authorship and is also protected under applicable database laws.

MAZE retains ownership of all software and any copies of it distributed on our website, regardless of the form in which the copies may exist.

This license is not a sale of the original Software or any copies. By installing and using MAZE's Software on your server, you agree to the following terms and conditions.

Such agreement is either on your own behalf or on behalf of any corporate entity which employs you or which you represent ('Corporate Licensee').

In this Agreement, 'you' includes both the reader and any Corporate Licensee means MAZE Corporation:

  • MAZE license grants you the right to run one instance of the Software on one domain. Each license may power one instance of the Software on one domain.

  • The Software is licensed only to you. You may not rent, lease, sublicense, sell, assign, pledge, transfer or otherwise dispose of the Software in any form, on a temporary or permanent basis, without the prior written consent of MAZE.

  • The license is effective lifetime. You may terminate it at any time by uninstalling the Software and destroying any copies in any form.

You undertake to:

  • ensure that, prior to use of the Software by your employees or agents, all such parties are notified of the terms of this Agreement.

  • hold all data (including object and source codes), software listings and all other information relating to the Software confidential and not at any time, during the period of the license or after its expiry, disclose the same whether directly or indirectly to any third party without MAZE’s consent.

  • not to use the Software for any illegal purposes and shall comply with all applicable legislation.

  • The Software source code may be altered (at your risk)

  • All Software copyright notices within entry rights must remain unchanged.

  • The Software may not be used for anything that would represent or is associated with an Intellectual Property violation, including, but not limited to, engaging in any activity that infringes or misappropriates the intellectual property rights of others, including copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, software piracy, and patents held by individuals, corporations, or other entities.

  • If any of the terms of this Agreement are violated, MAZE reserves the right to revoke the License at any time.

  • Refunds will be given at the discretion of MAZE, but usually there are no rights of refund.

Disclaimer of Warranty

The software and the accompanying files are sold "As Is" and without warranties as to performance of merchantability or any other warrantied whether expressed or implied.

  • MAZE does not monitor the sites powered by the Software.

  • MAZE is not liable for the content of any message posted on a site powered by the Software.

  • MAZE cannot be held responsible and accepts no liability for any failure in transmission by you and where for whatever reason your transmission is corrupted fails to arrive or arrives after an undue delay or is received in an unintelligible form.


  • Except in respect of personal injury or death caused directly by the negligence of MAZE, in no event will MAZE be liable to you for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings, loss of data or any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability

  • to use such Software, even if MAZE has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Nothing in this Agreement limits liability for fraudulent misrepresentation.